Niku Guleria executes her work balancing the creativity and excellence of the soft skills of the human being with the techno-centric conceptualization of art. Every canvas of hers depicts new forms and concepts smeared with intriguing shades, hues and dimension giving them a some new artistic dispensation. The Jammu-based artist’s paintings highlight modern man’s identity crisis of how he is caught in the never-ending struggle with his own creation – the machine. Niku’s oil on canvas mirror man’s very fast race and tussle with time – in the process dissolving the old practices, social qualities and ideas while at a similar figuring out how to live in harmony.
She has participated in many group shows, including at AIFACS (2008, 2009); the All India Exhibition of Arts by IAFA Amritsar (2017) and “Art for Kerala Flood Disaster” at NGMA, New Delhi (2018). Her work was also showcased at the 3rd Annual Festival of Innovations at Rashtrapati Bhawan in 2017 and at “Art Project Learning Curve”, a series of group shows sponsored by the Ministry of Culture in 2019. She has held a number of solo shows – “The Struggle is On” at Shridharani Art Gallery, New Delhi (2017); “Comfort Zone” at Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi (2013); “Pratispardha” at Punjab Kala Bhavan, Chandigarh (2012); “Crisis of Identity” at Triveni Art Gallery (2010). She also did an international online solo art exhibitions organised by Art Family India in December 2020. She was awarded a Senior Fellowship (2018-19) in painting by the Centre of Cultural Resources and Training, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.